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Nubia: Corridor to Africa by William Yewdale Adam
The Lost Manuscript of Frédéric Cailliaud: Arts and Crafts of the Ancient Egypt
Glimpses of Ancient Egypt : Studies in Honour of H. W. Fairman. Orbis Aegyptioru
Mrs. Tsenhor: A Female Entrepreneur in Ancient Egypt by Koenraad Donker van Heel
Egypt from Alexander to the Early Christians: An Archaeological and Historical G
Current Research in Egyptology 2012: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Sympos
The Precinct of Mut at South Karnak: An Archaeological Guide by Richard A. Fazzi
Scanning the Pharaohs: CT Imaging of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies by Zahi Hawas
The Transformation of an Ancient Egyptian Narrative
History of Rome by Michael Grant
Augustus: The Life of Rome's First Emperor by Anthony Everitt
Thucydides: The Reinvention of History by Donald Kagan
The War at Troy: What Homer Didn't Tell by Quintus
The Ides: Caesar's Murder and the War for Rome by Stephen Dando-Collins
Hannibal by Leonard Cottrell
The Culture of Ancient Egypt by John A. Wilson
The First Clash: The Miraculous Greek Victory a Greek and Roman...
The Conquest of Gaul (Penguin Classics) Julius Caesar