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Romanovs in Peterhof and Oranienbaum by Yevgeny Anisimov
Current Research in Egyptology 2012: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Sympos
The Precinct of Mut at South Karnak: An Archaeological Guide by Richard A. Fazzi
The Transformation of an Ancient Egyptian Narrative
The Pope's Daughter: The Extraordinary Life of Felice della Rovere by Caroline P
The Fall of Tsarism: Untold Stories of the February 1917 Revolution by Semion Ly
Catherine the Great: A Short History by Professor Isabel de Madariaga
The Place of Words: The Académie Française and Its Dictionary during an Age of R
Backstage at the Revolution: How the Royal Paris Opera Survived the End of the O
Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen by Liliuokalani
Russians in Hollywood, Hollywood's Russians by Harlow Robinson
Perilous Question: Reform Or Revolution?
The British Navy, Economy and Society in the Seven Years War
The Rise of Thomas Cromwell
A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Europe (Blackwell Companions to European Histo
The Seven Years War in Europe: 1756-1763 Part of: Modern Wars In Perspective
Fashion beyond Versailles: Consumption and Design in Seventeenth-Century France
Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia