Title: Bridge to Modernity, Kyosai's Adventure in Painting
Kaiga no bokensha Kyosai, kindai e kakeru hashi: tokubetsu tenrankai botsugo 120-nen kinen
Author: by Kyoto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan (Kyoto National Museum)
Special Exhibition Catalogue; 120th Anniversary of His Death
Format: Paperback
Book condition: Used - Very Good
Cover: Good to Very Good. Light corner bumping to cover.
An exhibition catalog commemorating the 120th anniversary of Kyosai's death, more than 130 selected important works from his early to late years.
Publisher: Kyoto Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan (Kyoto National Museum), 2008
Paperback: approx. 320 pages
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Bridge to Modernity, Kyosai's Adventure in Painting