Title: TSUKIOKA YOSHITOSHI - Collection of Yoshitoshi Tsukioka
Author: by Horai Ukiyo-e Print Museum
Limited edition of 200
Language: Japanese / JAPANESE EDITION
Format: Paperback
Book condition: Used - Very Good. Very light corner bumping to the first couple of pages.
Cover: Good to Very Good. Very light corner bumping to cover.
"This time, the published "Yoshitoshi Tsukioka Collection" purposefully focuses on two-page to three-page works. Single paintings are often seen in art books as a series, but at the research stage, in fact, Yoshitoshi's style of painting is best suited for projects with two or three consecutive paintings, and it seems that he can demonstrate his true potential."
"This pictorial record was compiled to cover Yoshitoshi's achievements by theme and chronology."
Publisher: Horai Ukiyo-e Print Museum, 2009
Paperback: approx. 120 pages
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