Title: Heroes of the Kabuki Stage: An Introduction to the World of Kabuki with Retellings of Famous Plays, Illustrated with Woodblock Prints
Author: by Arendie Herwig and Henk J. Herwig
Beautifully illustrated.
Format: Hardcover
Book condition: Used - Very Good to Like New
Cover: Very Good
Dust Jacket: Very Good. Dent near spine on dust jacket. Dust jacket is protected with Mylar cover.
Concise introduction to the world of Kabuki, placed in the historical and social context of Tokugawa and Meiji Japan between 1603 and 1912. Several aspects of Kabuki tradition, such as the playhouse itself, the interaction between actors and audiences, as well as the development of plays are explained. The elaborate costumes, make-up and different acting styles are discussed and illustrated. A brief historical outline is given of actor prints and their designers in both Edo (present-day Tokyo) and Osaka.
Publisher: Hotei Publishing, 2005
Hardcover: 359 pages
ISBN-10 : 9074822614
ISBN-13 : 978-9074822619
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