Title: Tsuruya Kokei: The Complete Woodblock Prints 1978-2000
Author: Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation
Specially bound catalogue with a Limited Edition woodblock print titled:
Ichikawa Danjuro XII as Umeomaru in “Ga no Iwai”
#44 (44/200)
Format: Hardcover
Book condition: Used - Fine.
Cover: Fine
Woodblock print information:
Title: Ichikawa Danjuro XII as Umeomaru in “Ga no Iwai”
Edition / Number of woodblock prints: 200
In 2000 the Artist completed the actor prints production. This artwork was the last work from the actor prints. In total 200 titles were created between 1978 and 2000. The number of editions of this print was also 200.
Date: 2000/12
Seal: (seal 6)
Dimension: 28.5×20.5cm
Paper: Ganpi paper (made in Kochi Prefecture)
Woodblock: Magnolia Obovata
Subject: performed at the Kabuki-za, 2000/3
Description: For insertion into the specially bound catalogues.
Publisher: Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation
Paperback: 120 pages
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